Training Workshop

Zwei Auszubildende sind an einem technischen Gerät dran.

Learning and growing together

Here at Schwarz IT, we place a great deal of value on good training. As a trainee or participant in our Turbo IT high school graduate program, you receive top-quality training to best prepare you for your future. Because this is so important to us, we set up our training workshop very early on. In addition to vocational school and placements in the departments, here you have the opportunity to apply your theoretical knowledge to practical examples.

During your apprenticeship, we solidify your knowledge using a blended learning approach, meaning you alternate between in-person teaching and independent learning phases. Depending on your job profile, we also help you to broaden your knowledge of different areas such as application development, programming languages, databases, project management and system integration. What is more, during your apprenticeship you are involved in real IT projects and can even take responsibility for them. In our training workshop, you have the freedom to try things out. You can challenge yourself and experiment - check out VR glasses, explore our server, or why not program an app?

Our current projects

In einem Büro ist ein Roboterhund zu sehen.

Our robotic dog Roberta

Our trainees teach Roberta (Unitree Go2) new tricks using augmented reality and the programming language Python.

Eine exemplarische Lidl-Kasse in einem Bürogebäude.

Lidl checkout

Our trainees have the opportunity to set up and configure an original checkout system. In doing so, they learn how standard checkouts in the company work.

Es sind viele IT-Codes und Drohnen zu sehen.

Face detection with a Tello drone

Our trainees control the drone via webcam using hand gestures. Learning the programming language Python is made fun, and the trainees get to control both hardware and software.

Ein Ausbilder steht zwischen vier Auszubildenden und erklärt bz. zeigt ihnen etwas


Five full-time trainers support you in our training workshop and help with your intensive preparation for work in the department. Our trainers in the workshop are experts in their respective field. As they are active IHK (Chamber of Commerce and Industry) examiners, they know exactly what is important during your apprenticeship.

They are your point of contact for any and all questions and offer advice, support and coaching. They are also responsible for your workshop training plan, which they draft in close collaboration with the training officers from the departments and training supervisors before implementing it with you.

Has our training workshop caught your eye? Become a part of Schwarz IT!

Every year we offer training for different careers. Take a look at our vacancies!

Open Vacancies!