Checkout of the Future

Zwei Mitarbeiter stehen vor einem Konferenzraum und sprechen miteinander.

Future-oriented, Cloud-driven Checkout System

In tandem with Lidl, we are creating the checkout system of the future: with cloud solutions from STACKIT and IT security from XM Cyber.

Ein Mitarbeiter steht an seinem höhenverstellbaren Schreibtisch und nimmt an einer Besprechung teil.

The challenge

Checkout systems are more complex than supermarket customers generally assume. Payment transactions, goods logistics, and a range of digital services for customers and employees are all dependent on them. In-store digitalization has taken massive strides in recent years. 

Boasting various digital offers, such as loyalty programs, Scan & Go or self-scanning, the retail divisions of Schwarz Group have long been pioneers with regard to customer service and innovation. New checkout software must address these requirements, operate in a future-oriented fashion, and focus squarely on customer and employee satisfaction.

Zwei Mitarbeiter sitzen in einer Besprechungslounge und tauschen sich an einem Tablet aus.

The solution

To ensure that the Lidl checkout systems are fit for the future, the next few years will see us transition them to a modern, cloud-based architecture with open interfaces. The goal is to allow swifter and more secure implementation of new business ideas. At the same time, the process of introducing the new systems will focus on standardization of all technical and specialist functions. Integration of new solutions into the IT system landscape is to become substantially more simple. All the latest IT security specifications will be taken into account during this process.

At a glance

Automation of IT processes

Modernization of IT security

Faster time-to-market for new business ideas

Improved user experience for customers and employees

 Improvement of internal processes

Hybrid online/offline register systems

Modern, cloud-based system architecture

Higher level of future sustainability with external interfaces