
Eine Mitarbeitern der SIT sitzt an einem Tisch am Restaurant, arbeitet und lächerlt in die Kamera.

Together We Are Shaping the Future of Retail

Are you as passionate about IT as we are? Then come on board and help us drive the ever-evolving business environment of the Schwarz Group – Europe’s largest retail company – forward. We offer a wide range of different tasks and challenges from across the entire IT spectrum. Together, we will make big changes on an international scale and realize projects with real impact.

We think and act in a solution-oriented way and love to innovate. We work flexibly and at pace. Working in heterogeneous teams with a diverse range of skills, we build the best-possible solutions for our customers, taking advantage of all the opportunities that IT offers. Quality, stability, and costs are always key focuses in our work:

Ein Kreis in der Mitte mit dem Wort "Solution Driven". Außen herum die Wörter: Partnerschaft, Gestaltungswille, Verantwortung und Begeisterung.

Solution-driven organisation

Solution Driven: “Solution-driven” is more than just a form of organization to us. Together, we work out the best possible solution for our company. This shapes our thinking, our actions, and our teamwork.

Partnership: We believe that confident and transparent teamwork is the only way to succeed. To us, partnership is shaped by mutual respect and professional interaction with each other. Regular, open exchange as equals is important to us. We set priorities, talk openly about problems, and recognize performance.

Ownership: We have the confidence and the courage to share and to accept responsibility. We make decisions carefully with an eye to stability, quality, and costs. We consistently learn from mistakes for the long term.

Vision Driven: We push the diverse, global, and constantly changing business of the entire Schwarz Group forward. This motivates us to create fitting and innovative solutions on a daily basis. We are continually expanding our technical abilities and personal skills.

Enthusiasm: We chose Schwarz IT because wer'e up to the job. We put our heart and soul into turning the variety of IT possibilities into concepts and solutions and keeping them running on an enduring basis.

Join Schwarz IT

Drei Mitarbeiter sitzen an einem Hochtisch. Ein Mitarbeiter setzt eine VR-Brille auf.

Tasks from across the entire IT spectrum

Ein Mitarbeiter sitzt an seinem Arbeitsplatz und lächelt in die Kamera. Auf seinen Monitoren sind Codes zu sehen.

State-of-the-art IT equipment and workplaces

Eine Mitarbeiterin steht an einem beschreibbaren Whiteboard und schaut zu ihren Kollegen.

Independent working

Über der Schulter eine Mitarbeiterin ist ein Laptop mit geöffnetem Teamsfenster zu sehen. Darauf ist ein Mitarbeiter, der in Kamera lacht.

Projects with an international impact

Zwei Mitarbeiterinnen sitzen in einem Sessel und reden miteinander.

Decades of experience in retail

Eine Mitarbeitern spricht mit einer anderen Frau.

Attractive compensation package and additional salary components

Vier Mitarbeiter der SIT sitzen zusammen an einem Tisch im Restaurant und reden miteinander.

Open, direct communication at the same level

Drei Mitarbeiter der SIT stehen an einem Tisch. Eine Workshopsituation wird dargestellt.

Fast and flexible teamwork

Zwei Mitarbeiter stehen an einem Tresen bei einer Veranstaltung.

Become part of Schwarz IT!

Whether you are just starting off in your career or in the middle of your professional life, discover how you can become a team member at Schwarz IT!​

Are you ready for greatness?

We’re looking for IT enthusiasts and self-starters – people who are just as passionate about retail as we are.

Apply now!