IT Expertise for PreZero

At our Minden location, around 70 IT professionals are shaping the digital impetus of the future in PreZero. We are the environmental service providers within the companies of Schwarz Group. We work closely alongside the local IT units in the PreZero countries.

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Vier Mitarbeiter stehen an einem Tisch, schauen in die Kamera. Vor ihnen steht ein Laptop.

What we stand for

Collectively, we stand for courageous and innovative IT solutions that we design and implement together with our clients and partners – the PreZero International foundation in Neckarsulm and the local IT units in the countries. Our proximity to and understanding of the business around operational waste disposal and recycling is vital in doing so.

We manage the conception, implementation and rollout of the joint IT strategy for all new PreZero countries and group companies. Even in the face of increasing responsibilities and complexity, we maintain a familial and open working environment within our team.

Our Fields of Expertise

IT integration as part of M&A transactions

Strategic and operational IT solutions for waste disposal logistics and recyclables management on SAP Basis

Internal software and app development, including the creation of our own algorithms and interfaces

Planning and implementation of Industrial Edge IT solutions

Foto von Thorsten

Thorsten Pawelczyk, Head of Schwarz IT Minden

“We are very proud that our team and IT services are part of the PreZero mission to achieve a world with less waste, more recycling and more resource recovery.”

Our Initiatives

We position Schwarz IT KG as a strong partner and major employer in the region of Eastern Westphalia:

Ein Ausbilder erklärt einem Auszubildenden etwas am Laptop.


We offer continuous training.

Ein Mitarbeiter sitzt im Konferenzraum an seinem Laptop.

Work-study Program

We offer work-study places in collaboration with DHBW Heilbronn and FHDW Bielefeld/Paderborn.

Ein Mitarbeiter sitzt mit Handy und Kaffeetasse an einem Tresen. Im Hintergrund sind zwei Mitarbeiterinnen an einem Laptop.

College Partnerships

We collaborate with Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, which includes facilitating a doctorate study program in the field of information technology.


Open Vacancies