Empolyee Schwarz Global Services Barcelona

Barcelona, 12. Juni 2024

Service & Support department leader at Schwarz Global Services Barcelona

Before joining the Schwarz Group in 2016, Ryszard worked in general IT support. Transitioning to the role of SAP HCM Support Specialist offered him significant growth opportunities, which he has since embraced without regret.

The HR support and operations team has grown from 2 to nearly 40 colleagues, consisting of three SAP focused and one non-SAP departments, with Ryszard leading one of them.

And the team continues to expand thanks to collaborative efforts with colleagues from HR Business Consulting. Together, they have consistently deepened their skills, enabling them to tackle increasingly complex and challenging tasks.

What do you like most about your job?
“I like challenges and the job never gets boring. The pace of technological progress is amazing and - of course - the digitalization of HR processes is a part of it. Hence, there are always processes to improve, new solutions to support, new tasks to be automated or optimized. All this wouldn´t be possible without our highly motivated team.”

How would you describe your team?
“First of all, we are one team and this team spirit is very important. We help each other and discuss all important challenges openly together. Consequently, this allows us to organize us with a lot of autonomy. It also strengthens trust, the transparency of decisions and the understanding of the reasons behind them.”

Why would you recommend others to come to us?
“The company offers far-reaching development opportunities. Moreover, it offers very good working conditions. As an employee and as a leader, I have experienced a lot of successful efforts to keep having the people in focus.”


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