Employee Schwarz Global Services Barcelona

Bareclona, 31. Januar 2024

Valentina Barbaliscia, Enterprise Service Operations & Processes Retail Team Leader

Where and when did you start with us and where are you now?

I have been in the IT world for 14 years having held positions in online marketing as well as project manager for web projects until I came to the CRM world 6 years ago. I joined Lidl in 2019 in the Salesforce Support team where we took care of the smooth running of Salesforce based projects internationally within the group. Today, I manage the "Central Business Operations 4 Retail" with 22 employees providing services to Business IT solutions for Lidl & Kaufland. My goal as a Team Lead now is to ensure that everyone that is in our teams can find a good place to work where they can develop themselves by working in an international environment that feels like a family.

How is your IT job different from others?

The main goal of providing IT support is to ensure that through our services we make our colleagues daily work easier. To succeed in this job you need to have great IT knowledge + passion and you need to be a team player aiming to solve incidents and share knowledge day by day.

Why do you do the job you do today?

I love the job because we are able to help others by making their daily work easier. By having that in mind we think about the best options we can apply in order to solve and improve our IT solutions. The only way of achieving the best results is by working together as one unique team with our international colleagues.

How do you work together? Describe how you work together with your colleagues.

Working in an IT support team is an unique experience as you have many different challenges everyday. You must be willing to improve business solutions while solving incidents by working together in an international team with a unique goal.


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