Sofia, 31. März 2022
Top HR Experts: The Story of Yana Papardova
This year the HR Manager of Schwarz IT Bulgaria won a spot in the Top 20 HR/PR/Marketing professionals in Bulgaria. The survey was make by the technological media DevStyler. You can read their whole interview posted officially by DevStyler below.
What is the feeling to be in the top of this ranking?
The feeling is more than wonderful. This is the greatest recognition of a job well done that I could wish for as a specialist. The days go by, weeks, months and years go by and it becomes very easy to get lost in the details of everyday life and forget why we do the things we do. And most of all, to stop seeing if we are doing them in a good way. One such validation of my work is the biggest joker I can get. At the same time, it is a great motivation to try even harder and give more of myself.
What are the mandatory qualities that a specialist in your profession must possess?
Patience, patience and a smile. Patience, because the work of human resources is extremely dynamic and, as we say, we have to put out fires every day. However, this does not mean that we should behave as if in a state of emergency, on the contrary - we should be extremely calm and balanced in these situations. Secondly, again patience, because achieving results in working with people takes time. And one must give oneself this time to reap the fruits of one's labor. We should not often jump from one decision to another. This way we don’t give ourselves time to our strategy to develop and flourish. And a smile, because we touch so many people in our work that even if we can't solve every case right away, we can make someone's day far brighter.
Do you have a golden rule that you apply in your work?
I don't know if I would call it a rule or rather a conviction - to always listen to my inner voice and believe in my own expertise. As a human resources manager at Schwarz IT Bulgaria, I am daily confronted with many points of view, many opinions, requests and, of course, feedback. They are all extremely valuable and must be heard. But when I make my decision, I need to know that I make it reasonably and fairly, both for the specific person I am working on and for the company as a whole. That is why my faith in my personal judgment always leads me and my goal is not to allow circumstances to obscure it.
What are the best ways to deal with the challenges?
First a lot of research. Second count to 10 before answering. And third, surrounding yourself with colleagues who will both stimulate you to work harder and better and at the same time will always be a shoulder that can support you, give you advice. The standalone warrior is a mighty one, but great and amazing things are accomplished with many hands and many minds. And we have gathered to do great things :)
What is your advice for beginners in your profession? How to become successful in the IT sector?
Proactivity, taking responsibility and going the extra mile. The sector is extremely dynamic and does not wait for anyone. As much as there is a need for patience, there is a need for quick decisions and completing tasks. They must be ready to make decisions and take responsibility for them and learn very quickly which are the areas of their work that are critical for the business and must always be prioritized. And as the vision of our company states, this will make them fast, efficient and flexible.