Sofia, 3. April 2022

First place for Schwarz IT Bulgaria - The Story of Kiril Dimitrov

Kiril Dimitrov is a Department Leader in Schwarz IT Bulgaria. This year he took first place in b2b Media Employer Branding Awards in the category Emerging Leader!  

Before we introduce you with him, imagine how in the 90s of the last century, in one of the most beautiful Bulgarian cities - Burgas, smart and talented children are born. Part of them are expressed with curiosity about the world, and others - not so much. The curious enter the best schools, such as the Burgas German language high school "Goethe", which turns from children into alert young people with broad horizons and a desire to change the world. Many of these young people, classmates of Kiril Dimitrov, will leave the country forever in search of a better education and better prospects for themselves. Kiril decisides to stay in Bulgaria. To create perspectives for himself and for those who come after him. And to work for the development of a professional IT environment in Bulgaria.

Career development

Kiril began his career from the lowest rung in the field, as an intern. Over the years he went through all the steps of the software hierarchy before joining as a Senior Software Engineer in Schwarz IT Bulgaria 3 years ago.
However, he is not satisfied only with the work related to software development. All the time for him, the leading goal is to develop, to keep up with technological trends, to train his colleagues and help them grow. Thus, Kiril begins his confident ascent up the career ladder.

Current Role

Kiril is currently the Department Manager of the Java Expansion Department at Schwarz IT Bulgaria. He manages a team of 10 software engineers who develop various projects related to the automation and digitalization of the processes and operation of the Kaufland and Lidl chains, part of the Schwarz Group. His day-to-day responsibilities relate to advising colleagues in the software practices and solutions department. His duties also include the care of the team in a technical and administrative nature, which provides the most favorable environment for the performance of the tasks of the people in the department.

Not a job, but a personal mission

For Kiril, the growth of the people in his department and the development of IT specialists in our country is a personal mission. With managers from other departments in the company, Kiril develops initiatives that support the development of specialists in the company with both technical skills and "soft skills".

The team for Kiril Dimitrov

What really sets Kiril apart from the people in his position in the industry is his exceptional talent to be much more than a driving force in the company. He is also a leader who daily leads and encourages the development of his team with emotional intelligence, broad-hearted support.


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