Career entry at Schwarz IT Career entry at Schwarz IT

Career entry at Schwarz IT

Career entry for pupils at Schwarz IT

Career entry for pupils

With a mixture of theory and practice, this is the perfect way to get your career started.

Pupil internship in IT

1 – 2 week mandatory internship or voluntary internship according to individual needs.


  • IT specialist, specialization: System Integration (including as part of the High School Graduate Program IT)
  • IT specialist, specialization: Application Development (including as part of the High School Graduate Program IT)
  • IT specialist, specialization: Digital Networking (including as part of the High School Graduate Program IT) 
  • Specialist in IT System Management
  • Specialist in Digitalization Management


Framework conditions

  • Usually 3 years in duration 
  • Prerequisites: general qualification for university entrance, advanced technical college entrance qualification or good high-school diploma
  • €1.100, 2nd year of apprenticeship €1.200, 3rd year of apprenticeship €1.350 + vacation and Christmas bonus 
  • 30 days’ annual vacation leave


  • IT specialist, specialization: System Integration
  • IT specialist, specialization: Application Development
  • IT specialist, specialization: Digital Networking


Framework conditions

  • 4.5 years in duration 
  • Prerequisites: general qualification for university entrance, advanced technical college entrance qualification or similar 
  • Remuneration: 1st year of apprenticeship €1.200, 2nd year of apprenticeship €1.350, then collective-bargaining based remuneration + vacation and Christmas bonus 
  • 30 days’ annual vacation leave 

Dual-study program (courses with an IT focus)

  • Information Systems with different areas of specialization (DHBW Heilbronn, DHBW Mosbach or FHDW Minden) 
  • Applied Computer Science (DHBW Mosbach or HWR Berlin)
  • Cyber Security (DHBW Mannheim) 
  • International Management for Business and Information Technology (IMBIT) (DHBW Stuttgart) 
  • Data Science and Artificial Itelligence (DHBW Heilbronn) 


Framework conditions

  • Remuneration: 1st year: 1.500 €, 2nd year 1.600 €, 3rd year: 1.800 €
  • Duration: 3 years in duration
  • Prerequisites: general qualification for university entrance, advanced technical college entrance qualification or good high-school diploma 
Career entry for students and graduates at Schwarz IT

Career entry for students and graduates

Whether you want to join as an intern, as a working student or as part of your thesis – we offer the right program to help promote and develop young talent.​

Done with your training or studies? Take the first steps on your professional journey with us … 

Mandatory internship

  • Exempt from social security contributions
  • Usually 6 months
  • €1.000 gross per month
  • Annual vacation leave of 20 days (pro rata) 


Voluntary internship

  • Subject to social insurance contributions 
  • Usually 3 – 6 months 
  • €1.956 gross per month 

Framework conditions​

  • Exempt from social security contributions ​
  • Duration max. 2 years or until de-registration ​
  • Collective-bargaining based remuneration ​
  • Annual vacation leave of 30 days ​
  • Max. 20 hrs per week, 37.5 hrs possible during semester breaks ​
  • If no suitable positions are advertised, prospective working students are always encouraged to submit a speculative application​

Framework conditions​

  • Exempt from social security contributions ​
  • Max. 6 months in duration ​
  • €1.000 gross per month ​
  • No mandatory attendance, no vacation leave entitlement 

Framework conditions

  • Start on April 1 or October 1 of each year for 12 or 18 months ​
  • Permanent contract as a Junior Professional
  • Vacation leave of 30 days 
Career entry for experienced professionals at Schwarz IT

Career entry for experienced professionals

Ready for new experiences in a dynamic environment? We look forward to growing together with you!

Our IT Program for Career Changers

In our IT career change program, you will complete a 4.5-year program as part of your permanent employment, which will be completed with the IHK examination to become an IT specialist for system integration. You will be actively involved in your entire program in the core IT Service & Support department, while you will work in various positions in IT end user support at Schwarz IT. 

Framework conditions at a glance:

Program duration: 4.5 years

Start: Annually on March 1st and September 1st. The application phase begins approx. 6 months before the start of the program.

Qualification: Qualified system integration IT specialist

During the program, you will gain a varied insight into our different service and support departments as a team member. We will train you in the following positions:


1st year: First Level Agent

  • Basics in the IT environment
  • Onboarding in First level support


2nd year: First Level Specialist

  • Expanding on the basics from the first year
  • Tackling more complex topics
  • Mentoring for new starters
  • Active support in First level support


3rd year: First Level Analyst

  • Introduction to organizational matters for managing support teams
  • Targeted exam preparation

4th year: Backoffice Agent

  • Level of complexity of support cases increases
  • Coordinative responsibility
  • In-depth knowledge of the specialist topic
  • Review of examination content


5th year: Backoffice Specialist

  • External IHK examination to become a qualified system integration IT specialist

We take your previous experience into account in your salary, so you can expect to receive an appropriate compensation package.