
Sofia, 10. April 2022

Good Development Perspectives for IT Specialists in Bulgaria led to the Decision of an IT Career in Schwarz IT Bulgaria – The Story of Lyuben Ivanov


Lyuben Ivanov: sometimes going abroad is a way to reconsider career development in Bulgaria

Lyuben Ivanov first started his IT career in 2006 in Bulgaria. At that time, he was this kind of young person who are bursting with energy and curiosity and wants to expand his horizons. This was the reason for his decision to study and improve his skills in the Netherlands. During the time he not only deepened his knowledge, but also came to the important decision that his place is back in his home country Bulgaria. His family, friends, the beautiful scenery and last but not least the good career development prospects for IT specialists in Bulgaria.

Today works as a Senior Digital Architect in Schwarz IT Bulgaria, and as such we have the opportunity to share his adventures on the way back home.

First steps in IT

„I made my first real steps towards an IT career back in 11th grade. A friend of mine, who studied at the electronics technical school, invited me to sign up for a Java programming course, which I kindly accepted, following the saying “appetite comes with feasting” “– he says, “my drive towards programming was growing with each passing course and I was likely the only person to finish his homework on time. In time everything developed by its natural course, but I still keep the certificate I received from that course.” Lyuben graduated in NBU with a degree in information technology and began working as a junior developer, but not long after he decided to continue his studies abroad.
Education and work in the Netherlands

Lyuben attained his master’s degree in “Information and computer technologies in business” at the Leiden University, a degree that gives him a broader overview of IT systems as well as insight into finance and economics, areas he sees as mandatory for anyone who wants to grow in a professional aspect, no matter what field they are in. He claims - “largely generate value without having to follow a strict business model, but it's that connection between business and IT that makes a software product successful.”

During his studies he worked as a developer for an American company, whose work focused on developing ERP and middleware systems. He is part of the team responsible for the middleware platform, having the opportunity to work in the office alongside 500 other programmers, most of which with serious experience, which he can rely on for both gaining a better understanding for the technical aspects and truly comprehending the responsibility required for the work conducted. He shares – “I believe the most important lesson I learned during my stay at the company was that of work prioritization, but I am also grateful for the opportunity to grow in a multicultural team.