Employee Schwarz Global Services Barcelona

Sofia, 12. June 2024

Incident Response at Schwarz Global Services Barcelona

Torsten began his journey with the Schwarz Group, where he initially worked in SIT before transitioning to Schwarz Global Services Barcelona last year for an expert assignment. With a background in Geography from the University of Tübingen, Germany, and a MSc in Digital Investigation & Forensic Computing from UCD, Ireland, Torsten's career path underscores the necessity for continuous learning and training in the ever-evolving landscape of Information Technology and Cyber Security.

What do you enjoy most about your job?
“The job I do in Cyber Security is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get. Helping people and interacting with them to resolve theirs or others IT Security related issues is the most enjoyable part of my job. Furthermore, I currently enjoy it very much to be directly involved in setting up a 24/7 Cyber Security Operations at Schwarz Global Services Barcelona and train new colleagues.”

What are you most grateful for in your time at Schwarz Services?
“I’m most grateful for having the opportunity to interact with amazing people on a daily basis, where I can learn from their experiences and skills and they can learn from my skills and knowledge that I gained over my +20 years career. There is nothing more fulfilling than to share your knowledge, skills and experience with others in order to improve and enhance work and non-work related topics and be happy.”

Why would you recommend others to come to us?
“The Schwarz Group and especially Schwarz Global Services Barcelona offers people a unique opportunity to work on projects and solutions that for example have a direct impact on the shopping experience at Lidl. Together with open-minded and out of the box thinking people from all over the world, that are kind and respectful and engaging, we tackle tasks, topics and projects that impact millions of people.”